

Our pouches now comes in four vibrant colors to suit your mood. You could choose two different colors combo or get bold with red, yellow, blue or greige (grey-beige) twill tape. It fits your laptop charger, been tested :)

Kantong serbaguna kami sekarang hadir dengan tali serut warna-warni lho. Kamu bisa memilih kombinasi dua dari empat warna meriah atau satu warna saja untuk yang tidak suka keriaan. Sudah saya coba, ternyata pas sekali dengan ukuran charger laptop :)

Price: IDR 15.000

Materials: Linen
Approximately 18 x 20,5 cm
Screen-printed on both sides

All prices are for Indonesian market only. We are using Pos Indonesia express mail (Indonesia only). Please let me know if you need it A.S.A.P. Since we did it all by our both bare hands, probably it will take more time than machine-made. But we promise you it won't be that long, a week maximum.

For international buyers, please drop your queries on hellomikisi[at]gmail[dot]com


  1. waaaaaaaaaaaa... selalu sangaaaaaaaaaaarrr.. ngilerr euy!

    salut mbakyu dan masbro! keren!


    ojan :-)

  2. hehehe hai Ojan...terima kasih ya. Ayo maju terus bersama Nest of Ojanto juga!
