

Our pouches now comes in four vibrant colors to suit your mood. You could choose two different colors combo or get bold with red, yellow, blue or greige (grey-beige) twill tape. It fits your laptop charger, been tested :)

Kantong serbaguna kami sekarang hadir dengan tali serut warna-warni lho. Kamu bisa memilih kombinasi dua dari empat warna meriah atau satu warna saja untuk yang tidak suka keriaan. Sudah saya coba, ternyata pas sekali dengan ukuran charger laptop :)

Price: IDR 15.000

Materials: Linen
Approximately 18 x 20,5 cm
Screen-printed on both sides

All prices are for Indonesian market only. We are using Pos Indonesia express mail (Indonesia only). Please let me know if you need it A.S.A.P. Since we did it all by our both bare hands, probably it will take more time than machine-made. But we promise you it won't be that long, a week maximum.

For international buyers, please drop your queries on hellomikisi[at]gmail[dot]com

Carry-All the Knick-Knacks

Are you feeling tired of losing your pen again and again? Or your laptop adapter is being tangled to your comb? You might need Mikisi knick-knack case! Available in two sizes.

Apakah kamu lelah untuk selalu kehilangan pulpen dalam tas atau kabel pengisi daya laptop anda sering tersangkut di sela-sela sisir? Mungkin tempat pensil dan segala rupa kami bisa mengatasi masalahmu. Tersedia dalam dua ukuran, besar dan kecil. Tempat segala rupa ini dibuat dari kain belacu, dihias manis dengan sablonan gunting dan sablonan merak sebagai pelapis dalam dan restleting yang tahan berkali-kali buka-tutup. 

SMALL  IDR 25.000
LARGE  IDR 35.000

Materials: Linen
Approximately 26,5 x 13,5 cm (Large), 15,5 x 10 cm (Small)
Full printed on both sides for large size, one side for small size.

All prices are for Indonesian market only. We are using Pos Indonesia express mail (Indonesia only). Please let me know if you need it A.S.A.P. Since we did it all by our both bare hands, probably it will take more time than machine-made. But we promise you it won't be that long, a week maximum.

For international buyers, please drop your queries on hellomikisi[at]gmail[dot]com


Rockin Robins

Postcard series and keychains: "Meet the Robins", taken from my paintings (all watercolor on paper). Couldn't say more about it. Ecstatic.

Product details: 
- All "Red Robin" & "Blue Robin" postcards come in size: 10x15 cm (4x6 in.)
- "Red Robin" & "Blue Robin" mirror keychain, size: 5,8 cm (2.3 in) diameter
- "Night Crawls Upon My Head" bottle opener keychain, size: 4,4 cm (2 in.) diameter

we love birds
Meet the Robins

Red Robin
Red Robin

Blue Robin
Blue Robin

Night Crawl Upon My Head
Night Crawls Upon My Head

Red Robin Keychains

Blue Robin

keychain backs

Do You Bring Your Lunch?

Jakartans love to buy their lunch, instead of making and bring it to the office. But for someone who couldn't afford eating-out everyday or just their office is a bit far from the street vendors and too lazy to move their asses off the seats or having a great cook at home, it's time for you to pack your lunch with these lunch bags.
Still from the same series "Flocks & Feathers", save more money with buying altogether with the plushies :)


Banyak warga Jakarta yang malas bawa makan siang, tetapi untuk yang uangnya tidak cukup untuk jajan setiap hari atau kantor mereka letaknya jauh dari pedagang kaki lima dan malas berjalan kaki...atau punya koki yahud di rumah, ini saatnya mengemas makan siangmu dengan tas makan siang yang manis ini.
Masih dari seri "Flocks & Feathers", mari berhemat Rp 5.000 dengan membeli sepaket plushie dan tas makan siangnya seharga Rp 50.000 (kalau dibeli secara terpisah, plushie Rp 10.000+tas Rp 45.000 = Rp 55.000). 

length: 23 cm
width: 9 cm

height : 21 cm




close-up plushie


Pouches, Don't Be Pouty

Dindie said:
"My partner in crime, co-owner of Mikisi, Julian, has been in a really good mood of screen printing. Thank god he's returning home, no longer in Yogya (the Merapi's erruption, remember?). He's spending his time with his cute cousin, cooking "sego pecel" and screen-printing. These are my old drawings, he turned it into pouches."
Yip yip
song thrush

For the Love of Bike and Postal Service

I was thinking of reusable envelope and how I go to the post office, then I drew, sewed and screen-printed the idea to these babies

(come in size of A5 with buttons to keep everything in the right place)

Mikisi's Patches

Do you own plain fabrics that needs to be embellished? Sew a patch above it. It is suitable for your lunchbag,  backpack, totebag, jacket, skirt, pencil case or anywhere plain.

Buat yang suka sama gaya tembel-tembelan di jaket, tas, selimut, kantong tempat makan, tempat pensil, Mikisi punya emblem yang cukup besar dan bisa dipotong sesuai selera.


Notebook Frenzy

We all love to scribble, aren't we?
Our signature handbound book, now available in 4 designs and marvelous color stitches, that you could pick to suit your taste.

Kita sesungguhnya gemar mencoret-coret, 'kan? Oleh karena itu kami tambahkan kegembiraan dalam notebook yang dipesan dengan kebebasan untuk memilih warna benangnya.

Price: IDR 35.000

Approximately A6 size (11x15 cm)
All rounded corner
72 pages premium color HVS 80 gr in creme.
Cover : silkscreen-printed painting canvas
Hand-bound using long stitch technique (using cotton thread).

All prices are for Indonesian market only. We are using Pos Indonesia express mail (Indonesia only). Please let me know if you need it A.S.A.P. Since we did it all by our both bare hands, probably it will take more time than machine-made. But we promise you it won't be that long, a week maximum.

For international buyers, please drop your queries on hellomikisi[at]gmail[dot]com


It's Our Blog, At Last

After a long talk, mostly about banner and things we're going to sell...*drum roll please* we are having our own blog! We have to change blog address on our business card again ;) but it's an easy task, darling!
We're going to upload our things very soon.
